Watch the video below to get some info on what you can expect from the challenge this week, and in weeks to come. The mission activities are listed under this video. We cannot wait to see how many smiles you share this summer!

Choose Bronze, Silver, Gold or all 3 of the missions to complete this week.

Bronze Missions are worth 1 point each, Silver Missions are worth 3 points each, and Gold Missions are worth 5 points each. Remember the more missions you complete the more smile tokens you earn and the kinder the world will be!

Bronze Smile Mission

Draw & color a picture and give it to someone special.

Please take a pic of your artwork and send it to

Silver Smile Mission

Write a thank you note to your mail carrier. Make sure you put it in your mailbox or take it to your local Post Office so they will be sure to get it.

Please take a pic of your note and send it to

GOld Smile Mission

Make 2 paper “fortune cookies” and give to 2 different people (not family) throughout the week.

Paper Fortune Cookie Template

Please take a pic of your handiwork and send it to

Make sure to send a pic to to get credit for the missions that require a picture.