Watch the video below to get some important info on what you can expect from the challenge this week, and in weeks to come. We cannot wait to see how many smiles you share this summer!

Choose Bronze, Silver, Gold or all 3 of the missions to complete this week.

Bronze Missions are worth 1 point each, Silver Missions are worth 2 points each, and Gold Missions are worth 3 points each. Remember the more missions you complete the more smile tokens you earn and the better the world will be!

Bronze Smile Mission

Help around the house this week. Give your parents/caregivers a hand and spread some kindness to them. Be sure to clean up after yourself, maybe make your bed, help with cooking or dishes, and just be a helping hand whenever you see a need. Give out hugs to your family too…hugs always spread smiles!

Silver Smile Mission

Take note of things that you have around your room, basement, garage or playroom. Is there anything that you have outgrown that someone else may be able to use? It could be clothes that you are too big for. Maybe there are some stuffed animals or toys that you are too old for, that another child may really enjoy playing with. Gather these items and bring them to a local Goodwill, Thrift Shop, or Donation Center. This will be a welcomed surprise for someone in need.

GOld Smile Mission

Create a “Sprinkled with Kindness” bag to surprise your neighbor or friend with this week. You will fill a paper or recyclable bag with goodies and hang it on the door or place it on the porch of a friend or neighbor. Be sure to add the directions below so they can then surprise someone else too!

Sprinkle With Kindness Directions

Please take a pic of your bag and and send it to

Make sure to send a pic to to get credit for the missions that require a picture.